Let’s just pretend everything is okie dokie…
My blog is still having problems, but they aren’t as persistent these days. That’s good! 🙌 I’ve been feeling quite crumby lately because of my silly Crohn’s. Oh well! In the “most-exciting-thing-that’s-happening-right-now” department, my sister, Steven, and I are hosting a murder mystery dinner party in a few weeks. We have big ideas and few […]
Actually nope…
So the problem is still not fixed. I’m kinda on the verge of giving up at this point. 😑 Stay tuned for more stupid posts about the problems my blog is having! -M3
Could it be?
After months of investigation and procrastination, I believe that the issues plaguing my blog have been completely resolved and vanquished!! Let the blogging commence! -M3
It’s still having problems…
My blog is still having that same problem intermittently, albeit less frequently. At least now I think I know what the problem is. I just have to submit a support request to my hosting provider, which I should do sooner rather than later. Will I get that done today? This week? This YEAR? Find out […]
IT’S BACK!!!(?)
Goodness gravious!! I think my blog is working properly again!! 😄🎉 So…….. I know, I know…… I didn’t publish a new blog post EVERY DAY for an entire year. HOWEVER… I was writing blog posts as drafts for some of the time that my blog was broken. Not all of that time, but I kinda […]
Blog issues…
My blog is having issues right now. I think there’s something wrong with the server configuration or something because whenever I supposedly fix it, the issues crop up again a few days later. I’m not feeling well enough to go through the rigors of reinstalling my site software and stuffs, so I’ll keep writing blog […]
Beauty and the Beast
Okay, so until today I hadn’t watched the new Beauty and the Beast. I know, I know… What’s wrong with me? I hear you. It’s just one of those things that I was putting off until later. Steven suggested that we watch it together when he found that out. So tonight I finally watched it! […]
I got all da IKEA!
On a whim, I decided to go to IKEA with my new friend Steven! Why? Because IKEA. And also, we had money and needed to get out of the house. And of course I had to have my usual mac and cheese, right? Except that I decided to forgo that and instead get veggie balls […]
I had an idea for a blog post.
But then I forgot what it was when I got home. I remember that it was a fairly heavy subject, though. Oh, wait! I remember! The idea had something to do with the whole social…. thing against suicide, right? But the people who are struggling with that don’t get taken seriously until they reach that […]
OH NO!!!
I’m not sure why I typed that as the title. But obviously something is awry. What is it, though? It’s time to… Investigate! Except I’m sleepy and need sleepy time. I’ll do the investigating in the morning after coffee hour. Goodnight, everyone! M3
*le poste*
I’ve decided to make today’s post short and stupid! Note to self: Your toes are on fire! 🔥 M3
Bleep blip bloop.
Bloop bippity boop blig brat bop bip. Bip boop bloopy bip bit bot. Bloopy? Blop bog boogy bot pollywog blin bit, blin boopery, blin piggy, blin pargy blit bot, bog bippy bot blot big! Bippy boo bin bin blog bit. Biz bit. Boo biz bit blin blin, blin bog boggy bog bit. Bind big bop […]
You can brag.
You can totally brag about yourself! Why? Because you’re an amazing person. You have value! You have amazing talents and skills, so why can’t you brag about yourself? Because we’re conditioned not to. We can accept praise from other people, but we’re trained not to accept praise from ourselves. If I held up a pencil, […]
¿dn sᴉ ʎɐʍ ɥɔᴉɥM
ƐW ˙ɹǝʇɐl dn sᴉ ʎɐʍ ɥɔᴉɥʍ ʇno ǝɹnƃᴉɟ ll,I ˙uo ƃuᴉƃƃnɥɔ dǝǝʞ ɐuuoƃ ɯ,I uǝɥʇ lᴉʇun ʇnq ‘uoos uʍop ǝlʇʇǝs sƃuᴉɥʇ ʎllnɟǝdoH ˙ʇᴉ ƃuᴉop ɯ,I ʇnq ˙ɥʇᴉʍ lɐǝp oʇ pɹɐɥ s,ʇᴉ ˙˙˙ɔʇǝ ɔʇǝ ‘ɐᴉuɯosuᴉ ǝɥʇ ‘ssǝupǝɹᴉʇ sᴉɥʇ ɟo llɐ ‘uᴉɐd ɥɔɐɯoʇs sᴉɥʇ ll∀ ˙ɯlɐɔ ǝɹoɯ ǝlʇʇᴉl ɐ ǝɹǝʍ ǝɟᴉl ʎɯ ɟᴉ ǝɔᴉu ǝq plnoʍ ʇᴉ […]
Or don’t. You do whatever you want. However, I suggest that you smile! Why? Because I like it when you smile. The world needs more smiles! M3
The Kobayashi Maru.
Writing a blog post every day is difficult. But I can do it! I mean, I really don’t know what to write about right now so I’ll just start writing. An idea will eventually come to me. Right? Maybe not. I’m going to give a go either way. Here I go!! Writing… stuff. Just waiting […]