Flying the Coop

Another chapter, a new adventure…

I got all da IKEA!

On a whim, I decided to go to IKEA with my new friend Steven! Why? Because IKEA. And also, we had money and needed to get out of the house.

And of course I had to have my usual mac and cheese, right? Except that I decided to forgo that and instead get veggie balls with torture sauce! I mean… a Cajun sauce. It was really spicy. Really good. but we both ended up with our mouths on fire. AND THEN a lovely older woman delivered a miracle! I was considering going back into the line for the mac and cheese after all. Before that could happen, she blessed me with a small plate of untouched mac and cheese.


Like, what? How could today get any better?

After the food portion of our trip, we explored the whole store and grabbed a few items that we wanted, including rechargeable batteries, a tea tray, coasters, extension cables, sadly no candles, and tongs that I’ve been meaning to get for over a month now!! Supes exciting stuffs, I know!

We also had some yummy pi\\q NS— (I sneezed at this point and decided to keep the result) We had pizza and chips, which we’re now addicted to, and now I’m heading to bed. See ya!







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