Flying the Coop

Another chapter, a new adventure…

Tag: paddlefest

  • Another quick one today.

    Just gonna check in. I don’t have the mental energy to write something more than an update. Today has been long and hard. I consider it to be a good day, though. It started with less sleep than I needed. Again. This time was mostly do to me purposely staying up last night. But because…

  • So…


    Hah! You’ve done good with this blog, Matthew. Let’s keep it going! This has been one crazy summer! …and spring, since the last time I posted here was in the winter. *shudders* So here’s just a quick overview of the shenanigans I’ve been up to! I’ll post more details in the coming weeks along with pictures.…

  • A new week!

    A new week!

    So last week went fairly well. Especially goal-wise! Huzzah and Wooton!! And now for my report card on how I did this past week. I’ll try to not be too hard on myself (after all, these are goals to push myself forward), but still make an honest assessment. Last week’s ‘getting back on track’ goals. 1. No technology…