flying multicolored hot air balloon

Flying the Coop

Another chapter, a new adventure…

Category: Something

  • Let’s lighten things up a bit!

    Let’s lighten things up a bit!

    I want to write about something serious and topical, but also, I don’t. Where’s the fun in that? I mean, a bunch of other more influential people are already talking about the things that need addressing—what will I add to the discussion? If I’m not meaningfully adding something with substance, then what’s the point? Woah.…

  • Today…was a day.

    Today…was a day.

    This post was written after an intense Tuesday I had a few weeks ago. I didn’t finish writing it, but I decided to post it anyway. Oh, my goodness. What a wild day I had today. Care to hear the tale? 😬 Allow me to set the stage. There’s been a lot of dramatic changes…

  • **insert post title here**

    **insert post title here**

    When I can’t decide on a topic to write about, I’ll usually start writing whatever is on the forefront of my mind. The problem is that there are usually a multitude of topics being thunk through in my brain… so I’ll end up with a weird combo of subjects that don’t necessarily mesh very well.…

  • Toenails.

    Toenails are weird, amirite? M3

  • OH NO!!!

    I’m not sure why I typed that as the title. But obviously something is awry. What is it, though? It’s time to… Investigate! Except I’m sleepy and need sleepy time. I’ll do the investigating in the morning after coffee hour. Goodnight, everyone! M3  

  • *le poste*

    I’ve decided to make today’s post short and st