Category: Updates
I did it again.
I’m too tired to write (again), so this will be a short and simple update. I climbed the Grouse Grind this afternoon! It was pretty great. The sun was less obstructed by clouds than my last outing, so it felt a tad warmer. But a really lovely day for a hike nonetheless. And while completing…
Solid Food
I am sooo hungry! I’ve been eating enough food to keep my tummy filled and stuff, but I’m still mostly sticking to a liquid diet. But liquids don’t satisfy my appetite the same way that a full, solid meal does. You know? I’ve been slowly adding some simple solid foods the past few days and tonight…
Slow Progress
I just finished writing a long-ish post, but WordPress was stupid and didn’t back it up to the local cache, to the database, or anywhere else. LAMESAUCE!! However, let’s forgive and move on because this has to be done. I must write a new post every single day. Sleep is for the weak! But I…
Tough day, friends. So only a short filler piece tonight. I was feeling a mix of strong emotions today, both happy, sad, and even homesick to an extent. Feeling sad isn’t necessarily a bad thing, and it shouldn’t be ignored and pushed away. So I embraced it when I felt it. In fact, I turned…
On an upswing?
I think that I’m beginning to feel better today! I feel like the fog has cleared, which is timely with the smoke clearing out of the air for the first time in weeks! We could actually see the sun and the clouds; it felt like summer again. *satisfied sigh* I’ve also been ramping up my…
Totally drained of energy.
I’m so tired. My brain doesn’t want to think too much and my body doesn’t want to move either. It’s really frustrating because it’s the kind of tired that makes it hard even to sleep or pay attention. I may have already said this, but this is probably the most frustrating thing for me besides…
Missing the Slave.
I miss the Slave River. Which, of course I do. I haven’t paddled since last summer, and I’ve really been feeling the itch to go. Especially with Paddlefest happening this weekend. There are lots places to go paddling around here, and I’d love to go out. I’ve never paddled in BC, and it could really…
I might have to take back my take-back.
But not right now. I’m too tired. Suffice to say that I’m at home after spending the night and day in the hospital. I’ll share more tomorrow!
I take that all back.
Just…everything that I said yesterday, I take it all back. I am writing this from the hospital in the middle of the night. 😂🙃 My symptoms got quite bad again, and I decided I should go in to the ER. I’ve been admitted for the night and we’ll know more tomorrow. Also, just a side…
Things got worse.
It’s not that much worse, but still… I sliced open my pinky toe. That’s right! My toe was almost ripped off. Okay, here’s what happened. I finally started feeling good today and because of that, I was gonna get started on doing more work that’s been piling up while I’ve been unwell even though the…
Is this reality?
I kinda just want to repost yesterday’s writing. But I won’t! Josh set up his new Vive VR system today and everyone in the famjam got to try it out. It was really, really cool! I tweeted out what Mom ended up doing. Classic! 😂 — Upside-Down Matty (@MatthewTheBird) July 29, 2017 Annnnd now I’m…
My family’s here!
(Almost) all of my family is now here in Vancouver! Dad is visiting for a while with the kidlets. It’s so great to see them all again! I have no clue what the plan is, but I’m sure we gonna have a blast! Otherwise, today’s been fine. I’ve still not been feeling well, but some…
Really? Still?
My body is rebelling. I wanted to write a bigger post, but my head is aching again and stuffs. My tummy is behaving, but my head is all messed up right now. Man, I’d like to have my body cooperate with me for once. Like all of it at once. I have work to get…
Tired and unsure.
I realised today that I don’t really have a huge reason to go back to my hometown in the North anymore. I was supposed to go for a specific reason, but that fell through. So that’s why I’m unsure at the moment. Should I go anyway? Is it better to stay? Maybe I should still…
My first WordPress meetup!
I have been working with WordPress (an open source website platform) for years and I’ve been wanting to get more involved with the development community for most of that time. Today, I was able to join a WordPress meetup to discuss some upcoming changes in the platform with other WordPress folks. It was a blast!…
Still with the headache.
I still have that headache. It’s been with me all day, so I’ve just been in bed. Yay! I’m catching up on Orange is the New Black and watching YouTube videos in between napping on and off. I’ve been on a Vsauce kick after watching Vox interviews and listening to arguments about climate change. Very…
Oh my goodness!!
I just finished Game of Thrones!! It was the premier of the new season and oh my goodness, stuff is happening! Can’t wait until next week for episode two! I also have the worst headache. Like, nothing is helping it. Today’s been a fabulous day with swimming, ice cream sundaes, and flip flops. I’m so…
Obligatory daily post.
I have a headache and I can’t look at a screen right now. So this will be it for now. Keep on smiling! DFTBA! M3
I wanted to finish writing one of the posts I drafted a few days ago, but it’s now late and I am really tired. One of my uncles is in the area, so Mom, Rebeckah, and I will be meeting him first thing in the morning! I’m really excited about that! 😀 After that, we’ll…
Just an update tonight.
Today was an incredibly busy day. A friend needed help moving, and the people who were going to help them bailed last minute. So I stepped up. We’re both really, really tired now. But it’s been a good day, mostly because we’ve gotten to hang out and chat while working hard on one of the…