black eagle on mid air

Flying the Coop

Another chapter, a new adventure…

Category: Crohn’s

  • Thoughts on my current health situation.

    Thoughts on my current health situation.

    As you may or may not know, I have Crohn’s disease. This causes a lot of problems for my day-to-day activities and lifestyle, especially when the symptoms worsen like during a flare-up. Now I can’t control what my body does as far as my Crohn’s goes and I can’t always control how it affects my…

  • Am I being lazy?

    Am I just being lazy? Short answer: yes and no. Well thanks, Matthew! That really clears it up. I don’t even know what you’re talking about and you’ve given me both possible answers as the tldr; answer. Yay! Sometimes I feel like I’m just being lazy and using my Crohn’s, depression, or anxiety as a…

  • Today was the best.

    The past several weeks have been quite difficult for me, but with that difficulty have come some amazing and uplifting moments. Today I got a heaping dose of good energy, positivity, and new connections. I stumbled upon an Instagram account earlier this summer for the Invisible Conditions Conference which was focusing on IBD. Today I…

  • Rewrite this, Matthew.

    Like, for reals, okay? Okay, okay… I’m writing an actual post now. Let’s do another update! So yesterday (aka today, in terms of when this post was supposed to be written) I took transit down to New Westminster for a simple little medical test. The test was negative, which is good in this case! However,…

  • I’m getting scanned tomorrow!

    And now the continuing adventures of… My Life With Crohn’s! Last month my doctor ordered a few tests and scans before we change my medications. Weirdly enough, most of those tests and scans were scheduled for this week. And lucky me because tomorrow I get to be scanned! Kinda like Spock scanning for life forms…

  • Corn is everywhere.

    My sister recommended this vegan restaurant called MeeT and tonight I got to eat there. It has amazing food! I had a dish called the “mucho something or other”… I don’t recall the actual name. I know it had something about mucho or macho, though. Itwas essentially a big fancy veggie burger; it was so…

  • Slow Progress

    Slow Progress

    I just finished writing a long-ish post, but WordPress was stupid and didn’t back it up to the local cache, to the database, or anywhere else. LAMESAUCE!! However, let’s forgive and move on because this has to be done. I must write a new post every single day. Sleep is for the weak! But I…

  • Please don’t assume.

    So tonight, I had a lovely evening with my mother and one of my brothers. We went to watch Wonder Woman at a theatre, which was kind of dangerous for myself. See, I can’t eat food right now. At least, not whole food. I’m on a liquid only diet until further notice. On top of…

  • I have to fight, even if I don’t want to.

    I have to fight, even if I don’t want to.

    🐰🐰 Crohn’s. It’s a pain in the butt. Well, more like pain in the everything. As I’ve mentioned in the past, I’m a “Chronie”, meaning I have Crohn’s Disease. Right now, my body is doing everything it can to remind me of that fact every moment of the day. To some extent, I just have…

  • I have a disease.

    I was getting ready for to go sledding at the landslide, which meant that I had to first locate my ski pants. Every year around Christmas, our family has a sledding party with a bunch of friends. We’d grab our plastic sleds, our crazy carpets, and our single GT snow racer to have some fun…