black eagle on mid air

Flying the Coop

Another chapter, a new adventure…

Category: Updates

  • I didn’t go on a walk today…

    … I disappoint myself. Tomorrow I will go outside. I’ll also start writing a series of blog posts about my Crohn’s and health issues. Over the past several months, I’ve been considering documenting and sharing my health journey properly. Partly for my sake to help me on that journey, but also to highlight issues that…

  • Currently…

    Listening to… I’ve been listening to the third Hunger Games book, Mockingjay since I left Keremeos. I have never read this book because I saw the movies before I got to the book. After I’m done listening to this book, I want to rewatch all of the movies in a marathon! Wearing… Right now I’m…

  • What’s up…

    Hey, how you doin’? So I’m in Vancouver now, which you probably already knew. But still. Right now I’m working on Paddlefest stuff, updating the website, finalizing registration, writing promo material, and whatever else needs doing. It’s a little weird because I’m usually in Fort Smith working with everyone on Paddlefest stuff. This year I’m far away…

  • I broke it…

    I was working on the Paddlefest website today, and I made a mistake. The website runs on WordPress, as most of my websites do. I had written a plugin that adds some simple functionality, and I had added it to the Paddlefest website as well. But I needed to make a small change, which I…

  • A funny thing happened today…

    …but I don’t recall the details. *shrugs* Oh, well. You’ll just have to live with the knowledge that there was a funny moment in my day today, the details of which you will not know. Today was a good day! So very much better than yesterday. Granted, I didn’t have a good night’s sleep last…

  • Another quick one today.

    Just gonna check in. I don’t have the mental energy to write something more than an update. Today has been long and hard. I consider it to be a good day, though. It started with less sleep than I needed. Again. This time was mostly do to me purposely staying up last night. But because…

  • My nose.

    My nose.

    It’s a love/hate relationship. My nose is causing me such problems right now. It’s hard to breathe, I’m constantly stuffed up, and I have to repeatedly blow my nose. It’s bleeding, it’s hurting, and it’s generally unpleasant. Allergy season sucks. Plain and simple. At least I have a nose, though, eh? *shrugs* M3

  • I met Tim Russ!

    I’ve been avoiding doing things today. Partly because I’ve not been feeling well. I’ve been having headaches on and off the past few days since getting back from Spokane. I didn’t tell you what I did on the weekend! Basically, I was invited to go along with some friends to a Comic Con for a…

  • Currently…

    Listening to… I’ve had tunes from Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog stuck in my head the past couple of days. Spock and I were singing some of them while walking around Spokane this past weekend and it’s been in my head ever since. Playing with… Today I spent very little time doing anything besides playing Cities:…

  • Geeky food place in Spokane.

    Geeky food place in Spokane.

    Just at a pub called Garageland for dinner right now. It’s super cool! It’s got a geeky Doctor Who theme going on. The front door is painted like the doors of the TARDIS and there’s an Ood standing in front of a screen that plays Doctor Who. The menu is fantastic. I just got a…

  • I’m up toobe sixteen now!

    I’m up toobe sixteen now!

    I was sitting here feeling uninspired to write. So I decided to count through my blog posts and when I realized that this post would be number sixteen, I flipped! Mentally. I’m toobe tired to physically flip right now. Plus there’s not enough space to do that here in my room. There’s a podcast called…

  • What should I do?

    My face skin has always been sensitive and kinda messed up, and shaving every day or two doesn’t help that at all. So I stopped shaving my face almost four weeks ago so it could have a break. Although, that decision wasn’t fully intentional. It had more to do with the fact that I didn’t…

  • Photographing a Toilet Paper Tube

    Photographing a Toilet Paper Tube

    So there I was, outside taking pictures of a toilet paper tube with rain falling. How did I get here? Glad you asked! It was a normal day, much like any other day. It had been sunny and warm so far, and I was… doing stuff. I don’t recall exactly what I was doing, but…

  • I didn’t forget…

    I didn’t forget…

    I’ve been thinking about this post all day and I still don’t know what to write. But as usual, something will come to mind once I just start writing. Let’s do this! I was recently given a keyboard! A musical one. And I was pleasantly surprised to see that it has MIDI ports, which means I…

  • Barely Made It!

    I’m cutting it close with this post! I’ve been working on writing up a bunch of stuff for The Aux Cable (my podcast with Ryan Matlock), and I got carried away. Oh well! Here comes my post of the day. 🙂 Let’s just do an update, eh? My body has been feeling horrible lately, and…

  • Wrapping Up November

    Wrapping Up November

    Hello again! Would you look at that? November is almost over; only two days left now. CRAZY!! Welp, I’m still in Keremeos enjoying the lack of snow and sub-zero temperatures! It’s been quite nice, though we may be getting a bunch of the white stuff soon. And that’s alright with me as I’m kind of missing…

  • What’s Up?

    What’s Up?

    This week has been fairly crazy. For the first couple of days, I woke up in Clarkston, Washington. I was visiting some friends for the weekend and having a wonderful time! Although, I was a bit short on sleep. So we slept in a bit. But once we were up, we got straight to doing…

  • So…


    Hah! You’ve done good with this blog, Matthew. Let’s keep it going! This has been one crazy summer! …and spring, since the last time I posted here was in the winter. *shudders* So here’s just a quick overview of the shenanigans I’ve been up to! I’ll post more details in the coming weeks along with pictures.…

  • Kayaking in February

    Huzzah! Today we get to bring the kayaks into the pool again for some mid-winter paddling! I’m so stoked!

  • Oh yeah… I have a blog!

    So I completely forgot that I had this blog until this week. I coulda and shoulda been writing in it all summer. In fact, thinking about it, I think I started to do that a couple times but ended up not actually posting. Well, I’m here now! And that counts for something… Right? Anyway, it’s…