Flying the Coop

Another chapter, a new adventure…

A funny thing happened today…

…but I don’t recall the details.


Oh, well. You’ll just have to live with the knowledge that there was a funny moment in my day today, the details of which you will not know.

Today was a good day! So very much better than yesterday. Granted, I didn’t have a good night’s sleep last night, and my tummy decided to be a pain this afternoon and evening, but everything else was so good!

I finally got to see a gastroenterologist, which has been such a long time in coming. Things are looking good in getting a better Crohn’s support team established! Which is quite important for me. And I’ve been learning and discovering just how needed this stuff is over the last couple of months with some changes and observations I’ve made in my disease. Such a win!

Other than that, I am not in Vancouver yet. Because of unforeseen circumstances, I will instead be leaving tomorrow morning. Which is perfectly fine with me!

I hope that you’re having a wonderful day, my friend! :D If not, here’s a few gifs that might not help at all, but I’m going to include anyway. Maybe it’ll do something for you.

Note to self: Find gifs and put them here.

Note to self: See? I did it. 😑 :D






One response to “A funny thing happened today…”

  1. Sarah Avatar

    Yay for progress and good days! Also I know the truth that this wasn’t posted on the 13th… but you probs wrote at least some of it then, eh? ;)

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