black eagle on mid air

Flying the Coop

Another chapter, a new adventure…


  • Wah…

    I wanted to finish writing one of the posts I drafted a few days ago, but it’s now late and I am really tired. One of my uncles is in the area, so Mom, Rebeckah, and I will be meeting him first thing in the morning! I’m really excited about that! 😀 After that, we’ll…

  • It’s been eight weeks!

    ALRIGHT!!! Today I’m celebrating eight weeks of daily blog posts! 😃 That’s fifty-six posts, including this one. I am super happy with my progress thus far. Let’s keep it going! Note to self: Keep on going! M3

  • Just an update tonight.

    Today was an incredibly busy day. A friend needed help moving, and the people who were going to help them bailed last minute. So I stepped up. We’re both really, really tired now. But it’s been a good day, mostly because we’ve gotten to hang out and chat while working hard on one of the…

  • I didn’t go on a walk today…

    … I disappoint myself. Tomorrow I will go outside. I’ll also start writing a series of blog posts about my Crohn’s and health issues. Over the past several months, I’ve been considering documenting and sharing my health journey properly. Partly for my sake to help me on that journey, but also to highlight issues that…

  • I have a headache

    I’m unable to write because I have a really bad headache. I’ve been in bed all day. 

  • Another quick one today.

    Just gonna check in. I don’t have the mental energy to write something more than an update. Today has been long and hard. I consider it to be a good day, though. It started with less sleep than I needed. Again. This time was mostly do to me purposely staying up last night. But because…

  • My nose.

    My nose.

    It’s a love/hate relationship. My nose is causing me such problems right now. It’s hard to breathe, I’m constantly stuffed up, and I have to repeatedly blow my nose. It’s bleeding, it’s hurting, and it’s generally unpleasant. Allergy season sucks. Plain and simple. At least I have a nose, though, eh? *shrugs* M3

  • Be back tomorrow, folks!

    I’m too tired to write now. I just got home, so that’ll be all for today! M3

  • Kayaking in February

    Huzzah! Today we get to bring the kayaks into the pool again for some mid-winter paddling! I’m so stoked!

  • Oh yeah… I have a blog!

    So I completely forgot that I had this blog until this week. I coulda and shoulda been writing in it all summer. In fact, thinking about it, I think I started to do that a couple times but ended up not actually posting. Well, I’m here now! And that counts for something… Right? Anyway, it’s…