Flying the Coop

Another chapter, a new adventure…


  • It’s still having problems…

    My blog is still having that same problem intermittently, albeit less frequently. At least now I think I know what the problem is. I just have to submit a support request to my hosting provider, which I should do sooner rather than later. Will I get that done today? This week? This YEAR? Find out…

  • Toenails.

    Toenails are weird, amirite? M3

  • Feeling both good and bad.

    The past couple days have been weird in that I’ve been feeling somewhat down and stuff, which isn’t totally new. But I’m also feeling pretty good. Mentally and emotionally speaking, here of course. Other than that, my stomach is feeling pretty good. :) Anyway, that’s it for today. M3

  • I’m sad.

    I’m sad tonight. I’m feeling sad, frustrated, disappointed, and probably a few other emotions. This will have to do for today’s post. I did have a full post thought out, but it’ll take more energy than I have right now. Today’s been a good day, though! ^_^ Hopefully you’ve had a good day as well.…

  • Ugh…

    I picked up Rebeckah a little bit ago and the car was acting weird… weirdly… oddly… not normal… something like that. The engine kept dying when I stopped or slowed down to a crawl. It’s so weird because it was working perfectly fine (finely?) last night when I drove it down the street. At least, I…

  • It’s happening… again.

    Stomach pain! My stomach is hurting again. What does this mean? Well, I’ll tell you what it doesn’t mean; it doesn’t mean everything’s honky Dory, I’ll tell you that much for shizzle. Note to self: Lookup “honky Dory”. Did I even use that term correctly? Hopefully it’s only minor, but I have this gut feeling…

  • It’s over.

    Soooo… I’ve dumped PayPal officially. We’re over. I’ve changed my status and everything. PayPal hasn’t stepped up at all, but now that they’re unable to mess with finances again, I kinda don’t care. It’s more trouble than it’s worth. (Well… yeah, let’s just go with that, Matthew.) There are a few loose ends to tie…

  • It’s a little frustrating.

    Just a couple of quick things. I had to park my car down the street a ways because the construction crew working in the alley will be blocking access to the driveway during the daytime for the rest of the week. I don’t think I’ll need to use the car, but just in case I…

  • Time off.

    I’m basically taking time off from writing proper blog posts this week. Hope you’re having a happy Thanksgiving! M3

  • Le blog post.

    This is my minimum requirement for a daily blog. Please check back again soon! Be kind! M3

  • Today was a bad day…

    Today was not a good day. It ended well with Thanksgiving dinner at the nerd cafe though, which is good. But everything before that was horrible. Basically my body and my mind aren’t doing well and it’s negatively af