Flying the Coop

Another chapter, a new adventure…


Sup? Whatcha doin’?

Me? Oh, I’m just waiting for a grilled cheese sandwich to fall from the sky into my lap. Just my regular Sunday thing. I don’t actually expect that to happen, but you never know. We live in a crazy world and anything—literally anything—is possible.

If a grilled cheese is gonna fall from the sky, I want to be ready! I don’t want to miss that kind of opportunity, yanno? Life’s too short to miss these kinds of things. Fleeting moments, so precious.

But enough about me… What are you doing?







10 Responses to “Hey.”

  1. poulet frit Avatar

    Being exhausted because my cat doesn’t let me sleep. About to get coffee and go to work

      1. Josiah the Carrot Stick Avatar
        Josiah the Carrot Stick


  2. Sarah Avatar

    Laying in bed listening to Avril Lavigne blasting from my clock radio. I often read your blog when I am trying to wake up in the morning, and today is no exception!

    1. Matthew Avatar

      Nice! That’s both terrifying and great to hear–the reading my blog thing. Either way, Avril Lavigne is fun!

  3. Josiah the Carrot Stick Avatar
    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Realizing that it is no longer Sunday.

      1. Josiah the Carrot Stick Avatar
        Josiah the Carrot Stick

        It seems that it is still no longer Sunday.

  4. Awkward Potato Avatar
    Awkward Potato

    Reading this post when I should probably be going to sleep and wishing I could have a grilled cheese sandwich.

    1. Matthew Avatar

      Yessss… exactly as I wanted!

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