black eagle on mid air

Flying the Coop

Another chapter, a new adventure…


  • Smile!

    Or don’t. You do whatever you want. However, I suggest that you smile! Why? Because I like it when you smile. The world needs more smiles! M3

  • Cuddles with my muppies.

    Cuddles with my muppies.

    I miss my muppies. They used to sleep with me on my bed, all cuddly and warm. It was especially nice on cold nights. At least I have Nigel… my big big teddy bear that a friend gave me. M3

  • Cheese melt.

    Food. It’s a wonderful thing. And over the past week I’ve been working to eat better and I’m totally obsessed with tomato cheese melts. You start with bread, add some sliced tomato, a dash of pepper, then a layer of cheese. Pop that into the oven for a few minutes and presto!! A yummy snack!…

  • I can’t write.

    I mean, I can write. Right? But I can’t write. You know what I’m saying? That is all. Carry on! M3

  • I finally pulled out my paints.

    I finally pulled out my paints.

    I’ve been meaning to pull out my painting stuff all month. Tonight I finally did it! I cued up Bob Ross on Netflix and got messy. Oh, hey! I just realized that they didn’t say, “take chances, make mistakes, get messy,” in the new Magic School Bus series. That’s one of my most favourite quotes…

  • Torn.

    Do you ever feel pulled in two directions at the same time? That’s kinda what I’m feeling right now. Except… * big sigh* it’s multiple directions and on every level of my being. I really, really don’t want to write a blog post. But I also really don’t want to miss a day. So yes,…

  • False start.

    Isn’t just so frustrating when you start something with such drive and passion only to be knocked back by some outside force? The past several weeks I’ve felt this effect. My body gets all sick and my mind is all depressed, I do my best to manage it all and work towards improving my situation…

  • Another write off.

    This is gonna be one of those lame posts I make when I’m either too busy or too depressed to write something more thoughtful. Wanna guess which reason it is this time? Yeah, I’m kinda back to feeling depressed. I should do something about that. Well, I have been trying, but that doesn’t mean it’s…

  • To Grandmother’s house we go!

    Over the river and through the woods then over the log, across the bridge, down the valley, over the mountain, under the bar stool, in the suitcase, onto the airplane, lost over seas, into the wind, down the stairs, around the block, then back into bed, I don’t know where to go! I have no…

  • Slow Progress

    Slow Progress

    I just finished writing a long-ish post, but WordPress was stupid and didn’t back it up to the local cache, to the database, or anywhere else. LAMESAUCE!! However, let’s forgive and move on because this has to be done. I must write a new post every single day. Sleep is for the weak! But I…

  • Whose idea was this?

    Seriously. Who had the brilliant idea to post a new blog entry every single day? Oh. Right. It was my own idea. 😒 I’ve started writing a few blog posts of some substance but haven’t completed them because of writer’s block. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get some inspiration and complete them soon! I don’t…

  • Still with the headache.

    I still have that headache. It’s been with me all day, so I’ve just been in bed. Yay! I’m catching up on Orange is the New Black and watching YouTube videos in between napping on and off. I’ve been on a Vsauce kick after watching Vox interviews and listening to arguments about climate change. Very…

  • Oh my goodness!!

    I just finished Game of Thrones!! It was the premier of the new season and oh my goodness, stuff is happening! Can’t wait until next week for episode two! I also have the worst headache. Like, nothing is helping it. Today’s been a fabulous day with swimming, ice cream sundaes, and flip flops. I’m so…

  • This is a title

    This is the text of a post I have written. Does that makes this post self aware? And if so, does that make it sentient? It’s kind of a weird thought. I imagine this post coming alive and being some kind of mutant being that roams the Earth looking for love but being incapable because…

  • Dear driver of the white Honda CR-V on the Coquihalla this afternoon

    Three things. First, there’s this nifty little feature on cars that all the kids are using these days. It’s called a turning signal. You use it to communicate with other drivers! (Crazy, I know!) Gonna change a lane? Let others know by using the turning signal so they can help you get where you want…

  • Sorry…

    I’m sorry. I can’t keep up. That was supposed to be finished today, but I couldn’t do it. I literally couldn’t finish. I wish that I could have. It messes with me and stresses me out. That’s partly why I couldn’t finish, because I had to just… de-stress. I don’t feel bad about ignoring work.…

  • You’re amazing!

    You are a beautiful person. Don’t believe that? Well, I do. And if you can’t believe it, then try to believe that I believe it. Are you not feeling loved? Put some love out there. Share some hugs with your family and friends! If you love someone, tell them. Get excited about it! Believe it!…

  • The sun will rise…

    Or it won’t. We don’t know for sure. But we trust that it will. We have faith that it will. It’s reliable. Unless clouds ruin it. M3

  • What to type…

    When I can’t think of something to type, I tell myself to just start typing. Once I start, stuff comes out. Today is the first day that I really, really don’t know what to write. So here it goes! I arrived in Vancouver all safe and sound today! Got to have a yummy dinner with…

  • A funny thing happened today…

    …but I don’t recall the details. *shrugs* Oh, well. You’ll just have to live with the knowledge that there was a funny moment in my day today, the details of which you will not know. Today was a good day! So very much better than yesterday. Granted, I didn’t have a good night’s sleep last…