I like adventure. I especially like adventure in the great out-of-doors! Like going on a big river trip or camping through BC. But sadly, adventure like that doesn’t happen every day. (For the most part…)
To deal with the lack of “big adventure” in my everyday, I look for “little adventure”; which is very similar to big adventure, but involves a lot more imagination. At least the way that I do it. It’s taking the small and insignificant, filtering it through a weird algorithm that doesn’t make sense, and making it big and the most vital thing in human history. I find that looking at things this way can help me to appreciate the small stuff and keep me engaged in the moment, instead of just waiting for the next big adventure.
Along the same vein, I also look for missions. Tasks that need completing, either big or small. You see the important tasks that people on TV complete with impossible circumstances surrounding them and threatening the very existence of planet Earth? Yeah, I basically lived that today.
How, you ask? Well, if I didn’t finish cleaning, fixing, and installing this printer at work today, my boss would’ve been unable to print off the super important notes that he needs for a top-secret meeting with the first aliens to ever contact Earth. See? Little adventure and mini mission. Fun, right?!
Okay… so you don’t have to take it that far. But I think that it’s very helpful to use techniques like this to keep your mind engaged, your imagination active, and your fun meter filled. Plus it’s fun to hum the Mission: Impossible theme while scrubbing a toilet.
Bingo! I have solved boredom. :P
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