All week I’ve been thinking about some really interesting posts to write here on the ol’ bloggy blog, and I started drafting one of them. However, I have yet to finish writing it, so I’m going to do a short update on some current goings on!
Currently listening to Galavant

Once we caught up on Game of Thrones, I introduced Steven to Galavant! It’s like The Princess Bride but funnier, Game of Thrones but fewer boobs and blood, and Ella Enchanted all rolled into one musical sitcom that’s simply delightful!
(That’s right, it’s a musical. And if you don’t like that, then you don’t understand happiness and joy! You monster!! 👹)
Since we started watching the show (we finished season one already!) we’ve both had the songs stuck in our heads and we can’t get them out! Especially the main theme. (I listen to the soundtrack quite often so I am quite familiar with the lyrics, too!) It’s both super fun and kinda annoying. Not annoying in a serious way that will end with me being rightfully accused of murder, but just kinda like a stray hair that won’t be tamed.
Currently obsessed with Cities: Skylines

I’ve mentioned it before and I will most deffos mention it again…
…I love city building games! Especially Cities: Skylines!
This week I’ve been filling in my newest city with more dense neighbourhoods and details for all of my sims to enjoy in their simulated lives. ☺️ This current city, Las Cruz, is one of the most intricate cities I’ve built yet thanks to the lessons I’ve learned from previous cities and adding a few mods from the Steam Workshop.
I’ve also been wanting to start making videos about my cities for YouTube, kinda like a “let’s play” series, but with a little bit of an improvised story about the city or something–very silly and Matthew-esque.
I really need and want to take a break from city building though.
Currently watching Game of Thrones and Star Trek: Discovery

I started watched Game of Thrones a few years ago with my geeky friends in my hometown. Rachel and Jessica introduced me to the series, as well as Galavant among others, and about a month ago I introduced it to Steven. We were determined to get him caught up on all seven seasons (70-ish hours) before the premiere of season 8 this past Sunday. However, we were also trying to be good about our TV habits and not go too crazy. HA!!
Rewind to last Friday (the Friday before season 8 started) when we were realizing that we were barely going to be able to watch everything in time. In fact, we missed the premiere by 2 hours even though we didn’t end up sleeping Saturday night or Sunday morning! That’s right, we stayed up all weekend and didn’t quite make it!
Oh well, we still watched the premiere after that all. But the whole weekend was so intense and overwhelming! Really fun though–I haven’t binged so hard in a long while. I got quite the thrill! 😜
And last night (this Friday) was the finale of Discovery. What a crazy season two we’ve had! It’s all come to an end already… and I haven’t watched it yet. I really don’t want it to end even if I’m left wondering what happens next. (The next sentence kinda contains softcore spoilers.) Everyone’s about to sacrifice themselves to protect all sentient, organic life from complete obliteration by some misbehaving AI and I still don’t know what happens to them all. But that’s alright because I’d rather be left with this cliffhanger than be left without new Trek episodes until the fall.
Also, I’m waiting for a friend to watch it with us. Then I’ll have the answers I seek.
Currently thinking about measles
It’s scary here in Metro Vancouver right now. There’s an outbreak of measles and because I’m immunocompromised… I’m at greater risk of infection even though I was vaccinated!
I know that the chances of my contracting measles is very low and I’ll probably be okie dokie, but I have to rely on everyone else having been vaccinated so the disease can’t spread around the city and reach me. Which is something that’s proved kinda anxiety inducing. Especially considering that vaccination rates are lower than what’s necessary to be effective in BC and in many parts of Canada and North America. (Although, recent outbreaks have prompted more people to get vaccinated, which is very encouraging!)
Just this past week there was a new confirmed case of measles in the city. The infected person went to a mall while they were contagious but not yet showing symptoms…and I had been in that very mall the evening before. 😵 Sure, close only counts in horseshoes, but what makes it scarier is I was considering going back to the mall the next day–the very day the infected person was there!
I know, I know…it’s unlikely I’ll get measles. But the chance of exposure does go up here in a city that’s experiencing an ongoing outbreak. The point is that I’m not the only immunocompromised person that relies on herd immunity to prevent themselves from contracting any number of highly contagious and preventable diseases, yet some people actively work to remove this important layer of protection. It baffles my mind.
There’s someone on Vancouver Island that’s currently quarantined in their home for 21 days because they are immunocompromised and were exposed to measles at their workplace. They can’t go outside their home for three whole weeks! So please, if you are able to get vaccinated, please make sure your shots are up to date!
Currently finishing this post
Well that’s about it for now. Other than I’m also currently feeling fairly inspired to work on a bunch of projects and ideas rolling around in my head, but I haven’t actually done too much to act on that inspiration yet. I did get books from the library for one thing though, and it’s got me more excited! 🙌 Gotta keep doing things!
Or at least try.
Edit: Oh! I also got a haircut today!
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