Flying the Coop

Another chapter, a new adventure…

I’m up toobe sixteen now!

I was sitting here feeling uninspired to write. So I decided to count through my blog posts and when I realized that this post would be number sixteen, I flipped! Mentally. I’m toobe tired to physically flip right now. Plus there’s not enough space to do that here in my room.

There’s a podcast called The Inner Tube that I used to listen to all of the time. Over the course of the show’s run, several inside jokes have developed, and one of the most prominent ones is the phrase, “we’re up to sixteen now!” The hosts also turn anything that sounds remotely like “tube” into “toobe”, hence the title of this post.

So there’s that!

Let’s just do an update.

I’m still not doing completely well, but I am doing better. Some really amazing friends hung out with me in the past few days, and that’s helped. I am completely thankful for their time and love and I’m so blessed to have them as close friends.

I’ve been really pumped about making food again. A fact that is very apparent if you visit my Instagram feed! 😛 It hit me super suddenly yesterday when I woke up, and it’s still in me today. Although, today I lacked the energy to actually do anything super creative with what I ate.  Unless you count mixing peanut butter into the vanilla icing on a slice of cake. That was good!

One of my friends is forcing me to visit them this weekend, so I’ll be taking a short weekend trip in a few days. I’m excited about that! And I will see the doctor on Friday, which is a little overdue. But it’s happening. Yay for Crohn’s!



2 Responses to “I’m up toobe sixteen now!”

  1. poulet frit Avatar
    poulet frit

    Yay for 16 whole days of daily blogging!! And yay for friends and road trips and feeling better!!!

  2. Josiah the Carrot Stick Avatar
    Josiah the Carrot Stick

    Nice job on 16! You’re beating me…

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