black eagle on mid air

Flying the Coop

Another chapter, a new adventure…

Category: Travel

  • My first sunburn of the year!

    My first sunburn of the year!

    OUCH!! Matthew’s brain I’m on a boat! To be precise, Steven and I are sitting on the ferry heading back home to Vancouver after a long, fun-filled day. Oh my goodness it’s been crazy! Why are we on the ferry? I haven’t been out of the city in so long. That’s mostly because I don’t…

  • Geeky food place in Spokane.

    Geeky food place in Spokane.

    Just at a pub called Garageland for dinner right now. It’s super cool! It’s got a geeky Doctor Who theme going on. The front door is painted like the doors of the TARDIS and there’s an Ood standing in front of a screen that plays Doctor Who. The menu is fantastic. I just got a…

  • Doctor Bear

    Doctor Bear

    I have a travelling companion that I bring with me pretty much wherever I go. It’s a stuffed animal name Doctor Bear! And yes, that name is inspired by Doctor Who. The origin story During a big road trip I took in the fall of 2015, I stayed with my mum and sister in Vancouver. I’d…

  • So…


    Hah! You’ve done good with this blog, Matthew. Let’s keep it going! This has been one crazy summer! …and spring, since the last time I posted here was in the winter. *shudders* So here’s just a quick overview of the shenanigans I’ve been up to! I’ll post more details in the coming weeks along with pictures.…