Hi there! I’m Matthew and this is my adventure blog!
I post a wide variety of things, but this space will mostly feature my day-to-day adventures as well as my big trips and such. Currently I’m posting once a week about various thoughts or updates on my doings. This blog is currently undergoing some updates as I get ready to relaunch my business in early 2025!
Who is me?
I’m a twenty-plus-ten-or-something ginger from Canada’s subarctic region and I like to travel around seeing and trying new things as well as meeting new people. I (currently) live in British Columbia, though I consider wherever I am to be my home. I’m an avid outdoor adventurer, happy paddler, peppy podcaster, maybe a musician, and a web developer. Oh, and I really, really like popcorn! Just throwing that out there.
I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease when I was 20 and it has a huge impact on my life. (I can’t eat popcorn, so I just sit on my bed crying, eating potato chips, and watching Will & Grace, Corner Gas, or Star Trek. Did I mention that I’m super sarcastic and have a dark sense of humour?) It sometimes takes a lot of effort to manage my condition and go about doing everyday things. As such, I tend to focus a lot on my health and mental state. Because of this, the times that I’m feeling good are that much more special. Every day is a gift!
Please enjoy!
This blog is mostly intended for my family, friends, and those who want to creep. So thanks for creeping on me! 😜