Welcome to a brand-new season of life here in the after times! What a time, eh?
I’m sitting here on the sofa; staring at the screen, considering what to write. There’s so much that I could write about, but where to start I don’t know. Much has changed in my life, yet much has stayed the same.
How about we start with the big changes!
I moved to the Vancouver area a few years ago and at first I was living with my mother and sister. It was pretty great! After a few months of job searching I was hired at the cafe where my sister worked, which meant we got to work shifts together a lot. Then I met my partner Steven and, because I couldn’t stay with my mom for too much longer, the two of us quickly moved in together. We made a wonderful little home for the both of us in that apartment over the past two-ish years. But Steven had to move back to the US and I couldn’t stay there by myself any longer.
This past January/February I had the opportunity to move in with one of my brothers, which was quite ideal as we get along very well and like to collaborate on creative projects together and play games. I also kind of need someone around to help me when my Crohn’s is being cantankerous, which my brother is good with.
So now I have moved across town and am enjoying a new apartment, a new neighbourhood, and reconnecting with my brother more! 😄
My tummy
In the fall I started a new treatment for my Crohn’s disease, which has been pretty okay. It’s been kind of a major change for me that’s taken some discomfort and adjustment, but my body’s been responding well to it so far. I’m still not 100%, but I don’t really expect to be since this is kind of just the way things are.
The new treatment is also to help with some other health issues I’ve developed over the past year, and it seems to be helping with those things as well. It doesn’t fix or reverse the problems, but it does alleviate the symptoms significantly, prevent further damage, and manage the inflammation in my body. Which is a huge blessing!
But the hugely good news is that my disability application was approved! 🙌 That has opened a bunch of doors to additional support for my healing journey and taking care of my body, so I don’t have to live with quite so much adversity day-to-day. I’m thankful every day that I’m able to take care of myself better with this extra support.
Oh yeah…
There’s also been this whole COVID-19 pandemic happening. It’s not been that big of a change for me so far as I mostly stayed home to begin with. (Physical disabilities and depression are too real!) But with my compromised immune system, it’s especially important that I stay quarantined from the rest of the world right now. I don’t want to deal with more health issues and be more of a problem for medical professionals to deal with! 😹
Otherwise, quarantine has been alright. There’s a lot of not-so-great things that have happened in my life because of the pandemic, but I’m alive and (mostly) healthy, I have food and a bed, so yeah… not too much of a deal for me. I’m an old pro at this.
Other stuff
You’ve heard of Murphy’s Law before? Yeah? Cool.
You know how when things start to go wrong, they all go wrong at almost the exact same time? Right? I can’t be the only one that’s familiar with that phenomenon (do do dododo).
Well… with the world going crazy, right now’s the perfect time for more things to go wrong! In fact, the universe is making almost everything go wrong right now! I mean, for the most part things are okay. But there have been significant changes in my life and within my family that have forever shifted the way my world functions.
I won’t go into specifics as this doesn’t seem like the proper place to do that, but suffice to say that things have happened and people have made decisions that have left me… hurt and confused, I guess. I’m not entirely sure what all the implications are yet. This whole situation is still fresh and developing so I don’t know what’s going to be happening tomorrow let alone next week. And some pretty big decisions are heading my way, along with some big challenges that are going to be difficult to face.
There’s more…

Other than that, I’m doing pretty well. I want to blog a little more, maybe do some live streams with friends, play games, work on coding projects, and deal with life as best as I can. Oh, and I’ve also had another significant change in my life occur in the last month… but that’s a secret for now! I’ll share more later. 🤐😝
For now, I’m going to say goodnight to you and probably read over this post before I hit publish.
Goodnight, friends! 👋
Note that the title of this post is a reference to a song from one of my favourite shows, Galavant!
Also note that I gave up editing this post before I published it. Cool.
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